Gojyo Sha



Ero Kappa

November 9<br>

22 (beginning), 24 (current)<br> year

184 cm (6'0")<br>

75.3 kg (166 lbs)<br>

Blood Type:



Favourite Colour:

Seducing women, gambling, and smoking Hi-Lites. Unexpectedly, he enjoys cooking, but whether he's good or bad at it is another question.

Favourite Foods and Drinks:
Presumably side dishes that go with alcohol, though he'll eat anything to a certain extent. Either way, he loves beer and likes foreign alcohol.

Hated Foods:
Umeboshi, plum jam, and the like. It's probably just his imagination, but he'll pass on food that makes the inside of his mouth hurt.

Special Talents:

Gojyo is a half-demon, made obvious by his red hair and eyes, who loves to gamble and is fond of women looking for a good time. He is often teased by Goku and Sanzo due to his lecherous behavior. However, he is a loyal and reliable friend who will go through extreme lengths for them when the need arises. His weapon in battle is a _shakujou_, a staff with a crescent-moon shaped blade attached to the end by a chain that can be elongated.
~!When he was a boy, Gojyo lived in a rather unhappy home. His demon father had had an affair with a human, later leaving his illegitimate child with his demon wife before abandoning her. His stepmother was the only mother that Gojyo had ever known. He used to despise his red hair, since it represented the things that his mother hated about him. No matter how hard Gojyo tried, he was unable to win his mother's affection, and was as tormented by the sight of her tears as he was by the fact she was only ever able to love his older half-brother, Jien. She frequently took out her frustrations on Gojyo, physically and mentally abusing him while weeping for herself and her situation.
Although Jien often tried to protect Gojyo from his mother's rage, there came the day when Gojyo's stepmother reached her limits and attempted to kill Gojyo, scarring the side of his face with her claws before attempting to strangle him. Gojyo was saved by Jien, who tearfully killed his mother before fleeing, leaving Gojyo alone.

Gojyo later made his way in the world by being involved in shady activity with his friend Banri and mastering gambling at cards. He survived the loneliness of the nights by bedding women. One night on his way home from a bar, Gojyo came upon the bleeding form of Cho Gonou. He took the unconscious man back to his home and nursed him back to health. He was the first one to whom Gonou confessed his crimes, bonding with the troubled newly-born demon over their different yet shared pain.

Gojyo tried to protect Gonou from Sanzo when the monk came to bring Gonou back with him for judgment. After some struggle, Gonou left with Sanzo, who later informed him that Gonou had died. Not realising that Gonou's death was symbolic, Gojyo cut off his long locks as a sign of mourning. He was later reunited with Gonou, now known as Cho Hakkai. The two of them became good friends and roommates before embarking on the journey West with Sanzo several years later.!~
__Saiyuki Gaiden:__
~!In Gojyo's previous life, he was known as General Kenren, a boisterous and flirtatious god who lacked respect for all of his superior officers other than his friend Tenpou. He was fond of women, but was even fonder of sake, which he was often found sipping while lounging in one of Heaven's cherry blossom trees.!~

(__Source:__ Saiyuki.wikia & _Saiyuki Reload Graffiti_ booklet)